02 96409683 info@soceca.it


Soceca Construction obtained in May 2014 the award of the Legality Rating.

The institute, introduced by art. 5-ter paragraph I of the D.L. 24 January 2012 No.1 then converted by law 24 March 2012, n. 27, was created to recognize institutional value to companies that apply ethical principles in their business. The rating is also intended to facilitate access to bank credit and government funding for businesses.

The ways and terms for awarding the award were regulated by the Competition and Market Authority together with the Ministry of the Interior and the Department of Justice with an implementation regulation of 14 November 2012.

The starting point of the assessment of the legality rating is the application of the principles of legality, work ethic, social ethics and transparency by the company. According to Alberto Rimoldi, the A. D. of Soceca Construction: “The company must commit itself to sustainable growth, generating ethically responsible behaviour aimed at enhancing human capital and achieving the principles of legality.”

Soceca Construction has always been committed to structuring its work responsibly and transparently in full respect of customers, suppliers and competitors. The company eschews any illegal behaviour or that may lead to unfair competitive practices. The attribution of the Legality Rating recognizes the commitment of Soceca Constructions and provides an additional stimulus to continue to follow this path with commitment and seriousness.


Soceca Construction obtained in May 2014 the award of the Legality Rating.

The institute, introduced by art. 5-ter paragraph I of the D.L. 24 January 2012 No.1 then converted by law 24 March 2012, n. 27, was created to recognize institutional value to companies that apply ethical principles in their business. The rating is also intended to facilitate access to bank credit and government funding for businesses.

The ways and terms for awarding the award were regulated by the Competition and Market Authority together with the Ministry of the Interior and the Department of Justice with an implementation regulation of 14 November 2012.

The starting point of the assessment of the legality rating is the application of the principles of legality, work ethic, social ethics and transparency by the company. According to Alberto Rimoldi, the A. D. of Soceca Construction: “The company must commit itself to sustainable growth, generating ethically responsible behaviour aimed at enhancing human capital and achieving the principles of legality.”

Soceca Construction has always been committed to structuring its work responsibly and transparently in full respect of customers, suppliers and competitors. The company eschews any illegal behaviour or that may lead to unfair competitive practices. The attribution of the Legality Rating recognizes the commitment of Soceca Constructions and provides an additional stimulus to continue to follow this path with commitment and seriousness.